He was knocked out I guess but it all looked so fake and silly, with the most obvious green screen (or whatever they use nowadays) that I have ever seen. I don’t even get what’s meant to be happening at one point, he feel asleep while hanging out of an airplane? Bad casting aside the action scenes just look like more weightless CGI rubbish. That Uncharted movie trailer looks… okay-ish? I don’t know what anyone expected but it looks like someone’s kid cosplaying as Nathan Drake while his dad refuses to put on a fake moustache as he pretend to be Sully.
Who knows whether that will happen though. I’m not sure what to really suggest for the new game, except that it should have less murder and more climbing – difficult climbing and platforming, not just following a trail of white marks on the wall. By the time of Shadow Of The Tomb Raider the mix of gameplay was a lot better but the story was so dumb in that one that I just couldn’t get into it.